Categories: 芸能












































Background of the Incident

Controversy and focal point of Johnny’s Office

In recent times, there has been a resurgence of controversy surrounding Johnny’s Office. Former members, in particular, have come under scrutiny. One such member is Narita Akito, who was a member of the rock band Otoko-gumi. His association with a crime has brought attention to the issue of sexual assault. This article will focus on Narita Akito and provide an overview of the incident.

Narita Akito and the Reunion of Otoko-gumi

Narita Akito was a member of Johnny’s rock band “Otoko-gumi” and was part of the group’s activities. Alongside his brother, Narita Kenichi, who was also a former Johnny’s idol, Narita Akito enjoyed a considerable amount of popularity. However, after Otoko-gumi went on hiatus, Narita Akito pursued a solo career and briefly left Johnny’s Office.

In 2022, the group held a reunion, reigniting interest in Narita Akito and prompting discussions about his past events and incident.

Doubts regarding the truth of the incident

Narita Akito has a history of marriage, divorce, and arrests that raise doubts and questions about the truth of the incident. In the following sections, we will delve into each event in detail.

Narita Akito’s marriage and divorce

Narita Akito’s marriage and wife’s profile

Narita Akito got married in 1992. His wife was his classmate since junior high school, and their relationship spanned a long period before they tied the knot. The marriage announcement attracted significant attention, especially because Narita Akito was only 23 years old at the time and already a popular idol. They had a daughter together in October of the same year, and as of 2023, she has turned 30 years old. However, since she is a private individual, there is limited information available regarding her.

The mystery behind Narita Akito’s divorce

In 2004, Narita Akito and his wife got divorced. The reason for their divorce has never been disclosed, and no concrete information about it has been made public. Narita Akito himself has not addressed the divorce either, leaving the truth shrouded in mystery. Despite the divorce, Narita Akito has continued to have regular contact with his daughter and provides child support, sending a third of his income to his ex-wife.

Narita Akito’s arrest history

Arrest for marijuana possession

In 2009, Narita Akito was arrested for possession of approximately 3 grams of dried marijuana. He received a sentence of six months imprisonment, suspended for three years. At the time of his arrest, it was revealed that he was living alone, separate from his family.

Period of disappearance after the arrest

Following his arrest, Narita Akito disappeared from public view for a period of time. Afterward, he remarried and was rumored to have worked at a convenience store or in personnel dispatch jobs to support himself. He has since made a comeback to the music scene and is active as a singer-songwriter. In 2022, he participated in the revival of Otoko-gumi, and there are expectations for his future music activities.

Narita Akito and his relationship with his brother

Narita Kenichi’s departure from Johnny’s and death

Narita Akito’s brother, Narita Kenichi, was also a member of Johnny’s before leaving the agency. He worked at a beauty salon in Tokyo for a short period and then returned to his hometown of Aichi Prefecture. After returning, he pursued a career as a musician, performing at various live houses. Narita Kenichi was skilled in playing musical instruments, likely influenced by his experiences in the band while being associated with Johnny’s.

Musical background of the brothers

Both Narita Akito and Narita Kenichi shared a common interest in music. They engaged in band activities and performed in live houses, gaining a wide range of experiences. Their musical talents and styles were highly praised, and they had a strong fan base.

Narita Kenichi’s marriage and transition to a potter

After departing from Johnny’s, Narita Kenichi married a non-celebrity woman. They had two children together and enjoyed a happy married life. Although information about his wife remains undisclosed, it is likely that their children have already reached adulthood. In addition to his music activities, Narita Kenichi transitioned to becoming a potter and engaged in ceramic art, particularly Shigaraki ware. While details of his specific artistic endeavors are scarce, he seemed to have been a popular figure, having sustained himself through his work as a potter.

The truth behind Narita Kenichi’s suicide

However, in 2009, it was revealed that Narita Kenichi had passed away. It was reported to be a suicide, with his death occurring just two months after Narita Akito’s arrest. The connection between Narita Kenichi’s death and Narita Akito’s arrest has been speculated but is not definitive. It is hard to imagine that a brother would commit suicide solely because of his sibling’s arrest. Therefore, it is likely that there were other underlying circumstances behind his untimely death, though nothing concrete has been determined. His suicide reflects the struggles he may have faced as a potter when his artistic endeavors became stagnant, which would have led to financial difficulties and psychological distress. The truth will remain known only to him, but it is reasonable to assume that he experienced considerable suffering.

Impact of the incident and the entertainment industry’s response

Societal impact from the revelation of the incident

Narita Akito’s incident had a significant impact on both the entertainment industry and society at large. The incident tarnished the image of Johnny’s Office and garnered criticism. The seriousness of the incident also drew attention to how Johnny’s Office responded to the situation.

Johnny’s Office’s response and criticism

Johnny’s Office released an official statement after the incident, promising to take appropriate measures. However, some fans and critics criticized the agency’s response. They asserted that the agency attempted to cover up the incident or failed to administer suitable disciplinary measures.

Support and assistance from the entertainment industry

On the other hand, there was a wave of support and assistance from the entertainment industry towards Narita Akito. Many people understood the difficulties he had faced and expressed their support for his fresh start. People held great expectations for his music activities and looked forward to his growth.


The difficulty in uncovering the truth of the incident

Narita Akito’s incident raises numerous doubts and questions, and the truth has proven challenging to ascertain. The details surrounding his marriage, divorce, and arrest remain undisclosed, with ongoing investigations and debates regarding the incident. We can only hope that he finds warmth and support, and that he continues to make progress in his career.

Through this article, we have provided an overview of Narita Akito’s incident, which encompasses various aspects of his life and experiences. Uncovering the truth of the incident remains challenging, but we should continue to support and watch over him as he embarks on a new beginning in his musical career.
